Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Exceptions to the Color Rules.

                As I have stated before, boys like blue and girls like pink. Are there exceptions to this gender stereotype though?  After careful examination of the topic, I began to find research that proved that there are some boys that indeed like pink and some girls that like blue. These children have a Gender Identity Disorder. Children with GID follow the gender norms of the opposite sex.        
                In terms of color selection, studies have shown that color selection is affected by gender stereotypes. In the article, Sex-Dimorphic Color Preference in Children with Gender Identity Disorder: A Comparison to Clinical and Community Controls by Sandy Chiu et al, the researchers discuss a study that they did on children with GID. They compared their color choices to that of other children in the community and who were already enrolled clinics for other studies. During their study, they did an experiment with each participating child, where they were to choose their three favorite colors.  They found that the boys with GID chose pink/purple as their first favorite color. The boys in the community and clinical groups chose blue as did the girls with GID. Girls in the community and clinical groups chose pink/purple as their first choice. For their second choice, a greater percentage of GID boys than community control girls chose the color red (Chui et al, 2006).  The research also showed, “a great percentage of GID girls than GID boys and clinical control girls chose the color green” (Chui et al, 2006). All three groups, that were studied, third choice were similar. All except the clinical control group boys chose the pink/purple as their third choice (Chui et al, 2006).  
                After the children made their decisions the researchers asked each individual child why they made their choice in that color. There were seven different categories the children fell under for their reasoning: 1. Gender-specific, because girls wear pink, 2. Personal, It’s the color of their room, 3.Nature, they like the color of grass or flowers, 4. Emotional affect, the color makes them happy, 5. Color reference, they just like bright colors, 6. Non-responsive, didn’t know why they liked it, they just did, and 7. Other, these responses didn’t fall into any category (Chui et al, 2006).  In all, the researchers found that the GID children’s color preferences were them trying to find meaning in their gender. Children, whether they have GID or not, associate colors with specific gender.
                Although many people don’t think gender stereotypes play a role in color selection, they do across all genders.  As the article clearly states, “Although gender stereotyped color preferences are likely viewed by adults as rather superficial and arbitrary, they may surprisingly enough, provide yet another window into the subjective construction of gender in both typical and atypical children” (Chui et al, 2006). After further examination, we are able to see that pink isn't just for girls and blue isn't just for boys, but our gender stereotypes still remain strong on who should like which color.

There are some few children that cross the gender stereotype lines.
This picture, like usual, depicts girls in pink and boys in blue

Chui, Sandy W., et al (2006).Sex-Dimorphic Color Preference in Children with Gender Identity Disorder: A Comparison to Clinical and Community Controls. Sex Roles, Vol. 55, 385-395.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Color Choices: Made through Imitation?

                It is seen that the different genders have different color preferences. The question is where does this come from? Where are children taught that there are certain colors for boys and girls? There is some research that proves that children are not necessarily told to like blue or pink, but instead they learn which colors to like, use, and wear through imitation.
                Imitation is a very important aspect to the social learning theory.  Children learn by watching positive models. When a little girl often sees her mom wearing pink or another warm color, it is installed in her that girls wear warmer colors, especially when she sees her dad wearing colder colors, like blue or green consistently. The child’s color choices are made through imitation.
                Along the same lines as imitating color choices for clothing, children sometimes also imitate the colors they use in projects.  In a study conducted by Judy Rosenblith, Imitative Color Choices in Kindergarten Children, an experiment was done showing whether children rely on imitation for color choices or not.  The research showed that the color of the pencil being used did not matter as much as imitating the same sex model. The experiment consisted of doing a maze on paper with colored pencils. First the child did the maze on their own and had the choice of a red, blue, green, blue or yellow pencil. The yellow pencil had regular lead though. They were not told which color to use at all. Three weeks after they completed the first maze, they were taken again to do the experiment except this time they had someone to “play’ with. They partnered the child first with an adult of the same sex then later with the opposite sex. The child imitated the color choice of the adult of the same sex rather than of the opposite sex (Rosenblith, 1961). When the boy saw the male adult chose a blue pencil, he was more likely to use the blue pencil. When he saw him use a red pencil, the child used a red pencil. When the boy saw the female use a red pencil, he was more likely to use the blue. The children imitative the color choices of their same sex models.
                Rosenblith’s research shows that although color choices play a role in a child’s life, they make these choices through imitation. Parents and media tell children which colors they should choose. The study by Rosenblith was done on children in kindergarten. This just shows that younger children rely on imitation in color choices, which also helps people to better understand why children’s favorite colors change as they get older. When they are younger they choose colors that they see models of the same sex choose. As they get older they are able to start making their own decisions and conclusions about colors.
Dad and son both dressed in blue. Although they probably dressed the son in this color on purpose for the photo, it instills in the child later that I should dress like dad.

The same goes for this little girl with her mother. The picture may have been preplanned, but it is telling the little girl that her mother is wearing pink so  this is a good color choice. Children at a young age are likely to imitate the choices their parents make or better yet are forced to make the color choices they make.

Rosenblith, Judy F. (1961). Imitative Color Choices in Kindergarten Children. Child Development, Vol. 33 Issue 1, 211-223.